

Early this year, I decided to have an extra savings but not limited to bank alone. Then I got a saving box (kolo) to save atleast 500naira daily, but somedays, I save 1000naira too (as the spirit leads).  It’s been going well and I haven’t missed a day, but lately, my mind has been telling me to open the box and deposit the little I’ve saved in the bank, then I can begin anew. The last time I ignored my mind, our house was flooded with water.  Ladies and gents, this is my 4months savings in a box. If you can guess how much it is, you win 500naira recharge card. Let the best man win. Leggo💪🏻.

Post Birthday Rants

This year’s  birthday was something I was looking forward to because last year’s birthday was celebrated immediately after my NYSC and also on a Lockdown period, so I thought I was going to have saved some money and have a big party with family and friends, but sadly, it didn’t happen.  I also thought that this year, I was going to say “Yes”🙈, but it didn’t happen also (no regrets whatsoever). This year also, I thought I was also going to make my first One Million Naira, it still didn’t happen, even though I invested, but I had wanted to see the One Million Naira in my account receiving cool AC. But all in all, I’m grateful to God for the gift of life, family and friends. Next year we try again and hopefully I tick all. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes.


 Have you ever been disappointed after praying to God for a particular thing for days, months and even years, yet no results? You feel your prayers are landing on deaf years and you doubt the existence of God - Is this God even real?  Join me as I share my testimony with you. Before opening my shop everyday, I developed the habit of praying and committing the day into God’s hands. Sometimes I recite Psalm 23, other times I say the Lord’s prayer and most times I pray the normal”kabashing”. One of the main focuses of my prayers is usually God’s protection over my business because my greatest fear is waking up one morning and seeing my shop burgled. So one fateful day, I went to the store to resume my normal business for the day and realized that I had forgotten the key to the store at the door. I just didn’t know how to react- is it to shout, scream or cry? I just didn’t know what to do. Well, I ended up crying because  I was already convinced that my store has been burgled. I quickly op


 I know most of you don't know I briefly attended Alvan Ikoku College of Education, Owerri in 2012, although I only did all my registrations and paid my fees. I didn't continue because Federal Polytechnic, Nekede Owerri had offered me admission to study Mass Communication in the faculty of Social and Management Sciences.  Prior to this time, I thought it was a normal admission because my friend as at then helped me in securing the admission after paying 40,000naira. She was a student in the same school and she told me I needed to also work the admission while waiting for the school to release the admission list because according to her, Federal Polytechnic Nekede grants admission to those who worked (I know you understand what I mean)  their admission first before considering others (all lies). As naive and desperate as I was then, I believed her lies and paid the money into her account. After waiting for some months, she called and told me that my name was out. You all know th